
Introduction Vanuatu Background: The British and French, who settled the New Hebrides in the 19th century, agreed in 1906 to an Anglo-French Condominium, which administered the islands until independence in 1980. Geography Vanuatu Location: Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to [...]


Turks & Caicos Islands

Introduction Turks & Caicos Islands Background: The islands were part of the UK's Jamaican colony until 1962, when they assumed the status of a separate crown colony upon Jamaica's independence. The governor of The Bahamas oversaw affairs from 1965 to 1973. With Bahamian independence, the islands received a separate governor in 1973. [...]

Turks & Caicos Islands2018-09-19T17:41:36+00:00


Introduction Switzerland Background: The Swiss Confederation was founded in 1291 as a defensive alliance among three cantons. In succeeding years, other localities joined the original three. The Swiss Confederation secured its independence from the Holy Roman Empire in 1499. Switzerland's sovreignty and neutrality have long been honored by the major European powers, [...]


St. Vincent & the Grenadines

Introduction St. Vincent & the Grenadines Background: Disputed between France and the United Kingdom in the 18th century, Saint Vincent was ceded to the latter in 1783. Autonomy was granted in 1969 and independence in 1979. Geography Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Location: Caribbean, islands between the Caribbean Sea and North [...]

St. Vincent & the Grenadines2018-09-19T17:37:29+00:00

St. Kitts and Nevis

Introduction St. Kitts and Nevis Background: First settled by the British in 1623, the islands became an associated state with full internal autonomy in 1967. The island of Anguilla rebelled and was allowed to secede in 1971. Saint Kitts and Nevis achieved independence in 1983. In 1998, a vote in Nevis on [...]

St. Kitts and Nevis2018-09-19T17:34:08+00:00


Introduction Singapore Background: Singapore was founded as a British trading colony in 1819. It joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963 but separated two years later and became independent. It subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries with strong international trading links (its port is one of the world's busiest in [...]



Introduction Seychelles Background: A lengthy struggle between France and Great Britain for the islands ended in 1814, when they were ceded to the latter. Independence came in 1976. Socialist rule was brought to a close with a new constitution and free elections in 1993. The most recent presidential elections were held in [...]



Introduction Panama Background: With US backing, Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903 and promptly signed a treaty with the US allowing for the construction of a canal and US sovereignty over a strip of land on either side of the structure (the Panama Canal Zone). The Panama Canal was built by the [...]


Netherlands Antilles

Introduction Netherlands Antilles Background: Once the center of the Caribbean slave trade, the island of Curacao was hard hit by the abolition of slavery in 1863. Its prosperity (and that of neighboring Aruba) was restored in the early 20th century with the construction of oil refineries to service the newly discovered Venezuelan [...]

Netherlands Antilles2018-09-19T17:46:17+00:00


Introduction Nauru Background: Nauru's phosphate deposits began to be mined early in the 20th century by a German-British consortium; the island was occupied by Australian forces in World War I. Nauru achieved independence in 1968 and joined the UN in 1999. Nauru is the world's smallest independent republic. Geography Nauru Location: [...]

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